One can run the pmd checks by 'ant pmd'. It produces file with html report in build directory. It covers core nutch and plugins. Currently it uses unusedcode ruleset checks only but one can uncomment other rulesets in build.xml (or add another ones according to pmd documentation).

I would like to add cross-referenced source so report is easier to read in near feature.
I have two additional questions for developers:
1) Should we check test sources with pmd?
2) We do have oro 2-0.7 in dependencies (I think urlfilter and similar things). PMD requires oro - 2.0.8. Do you think we can upgrade (as far as I know 2.0.7 and 2.0.8 should be compatible)? We would have only one oro jar than.

So happy PMD-ing,

Doug Cutting wrote:
Piotr Kosiorowski wrote:
I will make it totally separate target (so test do not
depend on it).

That was actually Doug's idea (and I agree with it) to stop the build
file if PMD complains about something. It's similar to testing -- if
your tests fail, the entire build file fails.

I totally agree with it - but I want to switch it on for others to
play first, and when we agree on
rules we want to use make it obligatory.

So we start out comitting it as an independent target, and then add it to the "test" target? Is that the plan? If so, +1.


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