I got some problems while applying Dawid clustering patch (my linux
environment looks not to be setu correctly) - but I switched to cygwin
and it looks ok. I will try to commit it today/tommorow.

On 4/12/06, Chris Mattmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
>  Any progress on the 0.8 release? Was there any resolution about which JIRA
> issues to complete before the 0.8 release? We had a bit of conversation
> there and some ideas, but no definitive answer...
> Thanks for your help, and sorry to pester ;)
> Cheers,
>  Chris
> ______________________________________________
> Chris A. Mattmann
> Staff Member
> Modeling and Data Management Systems Section (387)
> Data Management Systems and Technologies Group
> _________________________________________________
> Jet Propulsion Laboratory            Pasadena, CA
> Office: 171-266B                        Mailstop:  171-246
> _______________________________________________________
> Disclaimer:  The opinions presented within are my own and do not reflect
> those of either NASA, JPL, or the California Institute of Technology.

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