I think someting like this has already been done (apart from the daily
changes you suggest) http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NUTCH-207

Rgrds, Thomas

On 5/1/06, Fankhauser, Alain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        I'm thinking about to create a throttle, who let us decide at
witch day with wich speed (MB/S) and with wich number of connections
(one thread = one connection) the fetcher fetches. That means, we have
settings for every day and if there are no settings for a time at a day,
then the fetcher would will make a break till we get settings.
        The target of this throttle is to controlle the fetcherspeed.
        If we fetch too fast, we just put to sleep a few (percent
calculation) threads. If we are too slow, we just wake a few threads up.

        About using the throttle, i have also a few ideas.
*       The first idea is to set the throttle with -throttleDescription
[path of throttleDescription] so the throttle reads in the description.
*       -throttleDescription without anything, so the throttle takes the
path of the conf file nutch-site.xml
*       the user doesn't like to use my throttle, so he doesn't add any

        maybe you think that this is a good idea.
        please give me your feedback

        thanks and greetings

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