Dennis Kubes wrote:
I am working on a boosting solutiong where I am having to create more
binary databases than just the linkdb, crawldb, etc. For example I
create one for uncommon words in a page. Then I want to use these
database objects inside of the indexing process, in the filters, by
key along with the linkdb, parse text ,parse data and so on.
The link database and parse text and data are passed into the filters
directly through the filter interface. I can't pass other databases
alongside because I would have to change the interface which means I
would have to refactor all existing indexing filters. The easiest way
I found right now in modifying the parse interface to also hold the
database objects that I need, but that doesn't feel like a good long
term solution.
Is there a better way to pass other keyed values (database) objects
into the indexing filters? Should we start a discussion about if we
need this functionality in Nutch and how best to implement it. I
would be happy to implement it but I want some discussion and opinions
I'm not sure if I understood all your requirements.. Anyway. You can
pass arbitrary Writable objects to Indexer map() and reduce(), because
they will be wrapped into ObjectWritable. In particular, you could pass
some data retrieved from an input file (using SequenceFileInputFormat),
if you stored your database values previously in such file. Or you could
stick the primary key to the DB record inside CrawlDatum.metaData, and
then retrieve record data from the DB during reduce ...
All of the above you can accomplish without changing any of the
interfaces, just by adding properly formatted data to the input, and
then using an indexing plugin that can consume this particular type of
input data.
Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/| Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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