Greg Kim wrote:

I was just looking at the code on trunk (r 407599), snippet below.
The total # of bytes is getting multiplied by 8 and the division by
8.0 is missing;

 private void reportStatus() throws IOException {
   String status;
   synchronized (this) {
     long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)/1000;
     status =
       pages+" pages, "+errors+" errors, "
       + Math.round(((float)pages*10)/elapsed)/10.0+" pages/s, "
       + Math.round(((((float)bytes)*8)/1024)/elapsed)+" kb/s, ";

Funny you should mention that just now, I was looking at this calculation today - and if you take what is printed literally, it says the truth, because it converts bytes (apparently defined as octets) into bits (multiply by 8) and then to kilo-bits - although one could say that this is not strictly true either, it's rather kibibits -

So, the calculation is correct, and the unit name "kb/s" correctly uses lower-case "b" to signify "bits" rather than "bytes", although many people tend to take this as bytes ...

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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