I heard there is a bug in JVM 1.5_06 beta, can you try a older or may be a 1.4 jvm and report if this happens with a other jvm as well.

Am 30.05.2006 um 14:14 schrieb Uygar Yüzsüren:

Hi everyone,

I am using Hadoop-0.2.0 and Nutch-0.8, and at the moment trying to complete
a 1-depth-crawl
by using DFS and mapreduce structures. However, after a fetch step, I
encounter the below JVM exception
at one or more task trackers at the parsing step. It does not differ whether
I use only the default parsers,
or I also use the additional ones (pdf excel etc.). My task trackers work on
AMD X2 64-bit machines
and my JVM version is 1.5_06.

Have you ever faced with such a problem at the parse stage?Or how do you
think I can spot the cause of
this JVM exception?The error report is :

060530 144113 task_0007_m_000010_0  Using Signature impl:
060530 144113 task_0007_m_000010_0
5.0391704E-6%/crawl/segments/20060521171305/content/part-00004/data: 0+12303612
060530 144114 task_0007_m_000010_0  Using URL normalizer:
060530 144114 task_0007_m_000007_0
0.084114%/crawl/segments/20060521171305/content/part-00011/data:0 +12493176
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0
0.09551566%/crawl/segments/20060521171305/content/part-00011/data:0 +12493176
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # An unexpected error has been detected
by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at
pc=0x0000003d1d247c10, pid=25093, tid=182894086496
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64- Bit Server
VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # Problematic frame:
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # C  [libc.so.6+0x47c10]
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # An error report file with more
information is saved as hs_err_pid25093.log
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 # If you would like to submit a bug
report, please visit:
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 #
060530 144115 Server connection on port 51950 from exiting
060530 144115 task_0007_m_000007_0 Child Error
java.io.IOException: Task process exit with nonzero status of 134.
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner.runChild (TaskRunner.java:242)
       at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskRunner.run(TaskRunner.java:145)

Thank you very much.

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