Hey there,
Hope all has been going well for you. I noticed a small issue with the parse-oo plugin. It parses the documents correctly, however, when you find a open office document as a result and click "cached", it returns with a NullPointerException error. I looked into it and the line in cached.jsp that is throwing the NPE is below:

String contentType = (String) metaData.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE);

So apparently the parse-oo plugin does not store the CONTENT_TYPE of the document. I looked and modified around line 100 and changed:

Outlink[] links = (Outlink[])outlinks.toArray(new Outlink[outlinks.size()]); ParseData parseData = new ParseData(ParseStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS, title, links, metadata);
   return new ParseImpl(text, parseData);


Outlink[] links = (Outlink[])outlinks.toArray(new Outlink[outlinks.size()]); ParseData parseData = new ParseData(ParseStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS, title, links, content.getMetadata(), metadata);
   return new ParseImpl(text, parseData);

This fixes the problem of the cached.jsp throwing an exception, but instead it displays every document type as either [octet-stream] or [oleobject].

So it seems as if it's not interpreting the mime types correctly. Do you know how to fix both the cached.jsp issue and the mime-type issue concurrently??

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