Hi guys,


I have a few questions regarding the way nutch indexes and the best way a
recrawl can be implemented. 


1.      Why does nutch has to create a new index every time when indexing,
while it can just merge it with the old existing index? I try to change the
value in the IndexMerger class to 'false' while creating an index therefore
Lucene doesn't recreate a new index each time it is indexing. The problem
with this is, I keep on having some exception when it tries to merge the
indexes. There is a lock time out exception that is thrown by the
IndexMerger. And consequently the index that get created. Is it possible to
let nutch index by merging it with an existing index? I have to crawl about
100Gb of data and if there are only a few documents that have been changed,
I don't nutch to recreate a new index because of that but update the
existing index by merging it with the new one. I need some light on this.


2.      What is the best way to make nutch re-crawl? I have implemented a
class that loops the crawl process; it has a crawl interval which is set in
a property file and a running status. The running status is a Boolean
variable which is set to true if the re-crawl process is ongoing or false if
it should stop. But with this approach, it seems that the index is not being
fully generated. The values in the index cannot be queried. The re-crawl is
in java which calls an underlying ant script to run nutch. I know most
re-crawl are written as batch script but can you tell me which one do you
recommended? A batch script or a loop-based java program?  


3.      What is the best way of implementing nutch has a window service or
unix daemon?





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