Gal, Chris, Kauu,

So, if I understand correctly, you need a way to pass information along the fetches, so that when Nutch fetches a feed entry, its <item> value previously fetched is available.

This is how I tackled the issue:
- extend and allow to create outlinks with more meta data. So, in your feed parser, use this way to create outlinks
- pass on the metadata through and
- retrieve the metadata in and use it

This is very tedious, will blow the size of your outlinks db, makes changes in the core code of Nutch, etc... But this is the only way I came up with...
If someone sees a better way, please let me know :-)

Sample code, for Nutch 0.8.x :
+ public Outlink(String toUrl, String anchor, String entryContents, Configuration conf) throws MalformedURLException { + this.toUrl = new UrlNormalizerFactory(conf).getNormalizer().normalize(toUrl);
+      this.anchor = anchor;
+      this.entryContents= entryContents;
+  }
and update the other methods, around lines 140
+            // set outlink info in metadata ME
+            String entryContents= links[i].getEntryContents();
+            if (entryContents.length() > 0) { // it's a feed entry
+                MapWritable meta = new MapWritable();
+ meta.put(new UTF8("entryContents"), new UTF8(entryContents));//key/value + target = new CrawlDatum(CrawlDatum.STATUS_LINKED, interval);
+                target.setMetaData(meta);
+            } else {
+ target = new CrawlDatum(CrawlDatum.STATUS_LINKED, interval); // no meta
+            }, around l. 266
+      // add feed info to metadata
+      try {
+ String entryContents = datum.getMetaData().get(new UTF8("entryContents")).toString();
+          metadata.set("entryContents", entryContents);
+      } catch (Exception e) { } //not found
// get entry metadata
   String entryContents = content.getMetadata().get("entryContents");


Gal Nitzan wrote:
Hi Chris,

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough. What I mean is that in the current 

1. The RSS (channels, items) page ends up as one Lucene document in the index.
2. Indeed the links are extracted and each <item> link will be fetched in the 
next fetch as a separate page and will end up as one Lucene document.

IMHO the data that is needed i.e. the data that will be fetched in the next fetch process 
is already available in the <item> element. Each <item> element represents one 
web resource. And there is no reason to go to the server and re-fetch that resource.

Another issue that arises from rss feeds is that once the feed page is fetched you can 
not re-fetch it until its "time to fetch" expired. The feeds TTL is usually 
very short. Since for now in Nutch, all pages created equal :) it is one more thing to 
think about.



-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Mattmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: RSS-fecter and index individul-how can i realize this function

Hi Gal, et al.,

  I'd like to be explicit when we talk about what the issue with the RSS
parsing plugin is here; I think we have had conversations similar to this
before and it seems that we keep talking around each other. I'd like to get
to the heart of this matter so that the issue (if there is an actual one)
gets addressed ;)

  Okay, so you mention below that the thing that you see missing from the
current RSS parsing plugin is the ability to store data in the CrawlDatum,
and parse "it" in the next fetch phase. Well, there are 2 options here for
what you refer to as "it":

 1. If you're talking about the RSS file, then in fact, it is parsed, and
its data is stored in the CrawlDatum, akin to any other form of content that
is fetched, parsed and indexed.

 2. If you're talking about the item links within the RSS file, in fact,
they are parsed (eventually), and their data stored in the CrawlDatum, akin
to any other form of content that is fetched, parsed, and indexed. This is
accomplished by adding the RSS items as Outlinks when the RSS file is
parsed: in this fashion, we go after all of the links in the RSS file, and
make sure that we index their content as well.

Thus, if you had an RSS file R that contained links in it to a PDF file A,
and another HTML page P, then not only would R get fetched, parsed, and
indexed, but so would A and P, because they are item links within R. Then
queries that would match R (the physical RSS file), would additionally match
things such as P and A, and all 3 would be capable of being returned in a
Nutch query. Does this make sense? Is this the issue that you're talking
about? Am I nuts? ;)


On 1/31/07 10:40 PM, "Gal Nitzan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Many sites provide RSS feeds for several reasons, usually to save bandwidth,
to give the users concentrated data and so forth.

Some of the RSS files supplied by sites are created specially for search
engines where each RSS "item" represent a web page in the site.

IMHO the only thing "missing" in the parse-rss plugin is storing the data in
the CrawlDatum and "parsing" it in the next fetch phase. Maybe adding a new
flag to CrawlDatum, that would flag the URL as "parsable" not "fetchable"?

Just my two cents...


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Mattmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: RSS-fecter and index individul-how can i realize this function

Hi there,

  With the explanation that you give below, it seems like parse-rss as it
exists would address what you are trying to do. parse-rss parses an RSS
channel as a set of items, and indexes overall metadata about the RSS file,
including parse text, and index data, but it also adds each item (in the
channel)'s URL as an Outlink, so that Nutch will process those pieces of
content as well. The only thing that you suggest below that parse-rss
currently doesn't do, is to allow you to associate the metadata fields
category:, and author: with the item Outlink...


On 1/30/07 7:30 PM, "kauu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

thx for ur reply .
mybe i didn't tell clearly .
 I want to index the item as a
individual page .then when i search the some
thing for example "nutch-open
source", the nutch return a hit which contain
   title : nutch-open source

description : nutch nutch nutch ....nutch  nutch
   url :
   category : news
  author  : kauu

so , is
the plugin parse-rss can satisfy what i need?
       nutch nutch nutch ....nutch


On 1/31/07, Chris
Mattmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there,

I could most
likely be of assistance, if you gave me some more
instance: I'm wondering if the use case you describe below is already

supported by the current RSS parse plugin?

The current RSS parser,
parse-rss, does in fact index individual items
are pointed to by an
RSS document. The items are added as Nutch Outlinks,
and added to the
overall queue of URLs to fetch. Doesn't this satisfy what
you mention below?
Or am I missing something?


On 1/30/07 6:01 PM,
"kauu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi folks :

   What's I want to
do is to separate a rss file into several pages .
  Just as what has
been discussed before. I want fetch a rss page and
it as different
documents in the index. So the searcher can search the
Item's info as a
individual hit.
 What's my opinion create a protocol for fetch the rss
page and store it
several one which just contain one ITEM tag .but
the unique key is the
url ,
so how can I store them with the ITEM's link
tag as the unique key for a

  So my question is how to
realize this function in nutch-.0.8.x.
  I've check the code of the
plug-in protocol-http's code ,but I can't
find the code where to store a
page to a document. I want to separate
rss page to several ones
before storing it as a document but several
  So any one can
give me some hints?
Any reply will be appreciated !

ITEM's structure


    <title>欧洲暴风雪后发制人 致航班
    <description>暴风雪横扫欧洲,导致多次航班延误 1
清扫飞机跑道上的积雪。 据报道,迟来的暴风雪连续两天横扫中...


<> /n247833568.shtml</ link>


    <pubDate>Thu, 25 Jan 2007
11:29:11 +0800</pubDate>
<> /comment/topic.jsp?id=247833847</comments>

Chris A. Mattmann
Staff Member
Modeling and Data Management Systems Section (387)
Data Management Systems and Technologies Group

Jet Propulsion Laboratory            Pasadena, CA
Office: 171-266B                        Mailstop:  171-246

Disclaimer:  The opinions presented within are my own and do not reflect
those of either NASA, JPL, or the California Institute of Technology.

renaud richardet                           +1 617 230 9112
renaud <at>

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