Renaud Richardet wrote:
> Doug Cutting wrote:
>> Renaud Richardet wrote:
>>> I see. I was thinking that I could index the feed items without
>>> having to fetch them individually.
>> Okay, so if Parser#parse returned a Map<String,Parse>, then the URL
>> for each parse should be that of its link, since you don't want to
>> fetch that separately. Right?
> Exactly.
>> So now the question is, how much impact would this change to the
>> Parser API have on the rest of Nutch? It would require changes to all
>> Parser implementations, to ParseSegement, to ParseUtil, and to
>> Fetcher. But, as far as I can tell, most of these changes look
>> straightforward.
> I think so, too. I have opened an issue in JIRA
> ( and will give it a try.
> Doğacan, have you started working on it yet?

I have just started working on it. I hope I will have something (at
least a patch for
everything but plugins) within the day.

Doğacan Güney

> Thanks,
> Renaud

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