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The following page has been changed by FrankMcCown:

The comment on the change is:
UAC issue on Vista

  == Tested with ==
   * Nutch release 1.0
-  * Eclipse 3.3 - aka Europa, ganymede
+  * Eclipse 3.3 (Europa) and 3.4 (Ganymede)
   * Java 1.6
   * Ubuntu (should work on most platforms though)
-  * Windows XP
+  * Windows XP and Vista
  == Before you start ==
@@ -21, +21 @@

  === For Windows Users ===
- If you are running Windows (tested on Windows XP) you must first install 
+ If you are running Windows (tested on Windows XP) you must first install 
cygwin. Download it from
+ Install cygwin and set the PATH environment variable for it. You can set it 
from the Control Panel, System, Advanced Tab, Environment Variables and 
edit/add PATH.
- Download cygwin from
- Install cygwin and set PATH variable for it.
- It's in control panel, system, advanced tab, environment variables and 
edit/add PATH
  I have in PATH like:
+ {{{
+ }}}
+ If you run "bash" from the Windows command line (Start > Run... > cmd.exe) it 
should successfully run cygwin.
- If you run "bash" in Start > Run... > cmd.exe it should work. 
+ If you are running Eclipse on Vista, you will likely need to 
 turn off Vista's User Access Control (UAC)]. Otherwise Hadoop will likely 
complain that it cannot change a directory permission when you later run the 
+ {{{
+ org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell$ExitCodeException: chmod: changing permissions 
of ... Permission denied
+ }}}
+ See 
 this] for more information about the UAC issue.
  === Install Nutch ===
   * Grab a [ fresh release] 
of Nutch 1.0 or download and untar the [ 
official 1.0 release]. 

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