jqq wrote:
Thanks. But I did not make any configuration in hadoop-site.xml. In addition, i set fs.default.name <http://fs.default.name> property:
         <name>fs.default.name <http://fs.default.name></name>

started the search servers and tomat, I still got any search results, tomcat's log is:
 DistributedSearch- Querying segments from search servers...
 DistributedSearch- STATS:*2 servers,0 segments*.

This indicates that the problem is on the server side, i.e. servers can't find any usable segments. Ah, I think I know what's going on - only now I spotted the /cygdrive path in your example. Please use the Windows names for these paths, i.e. use "e:\crawl" (in quotes, or use double backslashes to escape single backslashes).

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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