There isn't any pseudocode for this. The code for the main algorithm is in the LinkRank class. It is similar in nature to PageRank except it has the ability to filter reciprocal links. If the Link Loops program is run it also has the ability to filter out link cycles, but that program is O(n) running time so not very efficient.

The LinkRank class is just a single score factor though, the setup of the new indexing system allows multiple factors to be combined where the LinkRank may be only a single factor in that.

If looking for how the algorithm works I suggest looking at the early PageRank algorithm papers. Here are some links which you may find useful:


atencorps wrote:

I came across the Ranking & Score system in Nutch 1.0 ( which includes the
webgraph, linkrank etc).

My question is , where can I find the pseudocode for the Ranking & Scoring
Algorithm/System in place in Nutch 1.0 ?


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