Doğacan Güney wrote:
Hey list,

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 16:55, Andrzej Bialecki<> wrote:
Hi all,

I think we should be creating a sandbox area, where we can collaborate
on various subprojects, such as HBase, OSGI, Tika parsers, etc. Dogacan will
be importing his HBase work as 'nutchbase'. Tika work is the least
disruptive, so it could occur even on trunk. OSGI plugins work (which I'd
like to tackle) means significant refactoring so I'd rather put this on a
branch too.

Thanks for starting the discussion, Andrzej.

Can you detail your OSGI plugin framework design? Maybe I missed the
discussion but
updating the plugin system has been something that I wanted to do for
a long time :)
so I am very much interested in your design.

There's no specific design yet except I can't stand the existing plugin framework anymore ... ;) I started reading on OSGI and it seems that it supports the functionality that we need, and much more - it certainly looks like a better alternative than maintaining our plugin system beyond 1.x ...

Oh, an additional comment about the scoring API: I don't think the claimed benefits of OPIC outweigh the widespread complications that it caused in the API. Besides, getting the static scoring right is very very tricky, so from the engineer's point of view IMHO it's better to do the computation offline, where you have more control over the process and can easily re-run the computation, rather than rely on an online unstable algorithm that modifies scores in place ...

Dogacan, you mentioned that you would like to work on Katta integration.
Could you shed some light on how this fits with the abstract indexing &
searching layer that we now have, and how distributed Solr fits into this

I haven't yet given much thought to Katta integration. But basically,
I am thinking of
indexing newly-crawled documents as lucene shards and uploading them
to katta for searching. This should be very possible with the new
indexing system. But so far, I have neither studied katta too much nor
given much thought to integration. So I may be missing obvious stuff.

Me too..

About distributed solr: I very much like to do this and again, I
think, this should be possible to
do within nutch. However, distributed solr is ultimately uninteresting
to me because (AFAIK) it doesn't have the reliability and
high-availability that hadoop&hbase have, i.e. if a machine dies you
lose that part of the index.

Grant Ingersoll is doing some initial work on integrating distributed Solr and Zookeeper, once this is in a usable shape then I think perhaps it's more or less equivalent to Katta. I have a patch in my queue that adds direct Hadoop->Solr indexing, using Hadoop OutputFormat. So there will be many options to push index updates to distributed indexes. We just need to offer the right API to implement the integration, and the current API is IMHO quite close.

Are there any projects going on that are live indexing systems like
solr, yet are backed up by hadoop HDFS like katta?

There is the project that fits this description, but it's dormant - either it was too early, or there were just too many design questions (or simply the committers moved to other things).

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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