
I am trying to run NutchBase code on Hadoop/Hbase in local mode.
I have setup the environment and everything, its working fine.

I could able to create the table using Hbase shell as well. But, am not
clear how to use the InjectorHbase program for injecting set of seed urls
into my webtable. Please tell me the steps I should be following:
I created an Hbase table : create 'webtable', '__tmp_inject_key__'
Then ran the command: bin/nutch org.apache.nutchbase.crawl.InjectorHbase
webtable urls/
It throws the following exception:
org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver.NoSuchColumnFamilyException: Column
family on metadata:__tmp_inject_key__ does not exist in region
webtable2,,1250941483088 in table {NAME => 'webtable2', FAMILIES => [{NAME
=> '__tmp_inject_key__', COMPRESSION => 'NONE', VERSIONS => '3', LENGTH =>
'2147483647', TTL => '-1', IN_MEMORY => 'false', BLOCKCACHE => 'false'}]}

Please tell me the way I should create the table, is there something wrong
being done?

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