Lukáš Vlček wrote:

I just noticed that Niocchi has been released recently.

Niocchi is a java asynchronous crawl library implemented with NIO. It is designed to crawl several thousands of hosts in parallel on a single low end server.It is currently being used in production by Enormo <> to crawl thousands of websites daily, and by Vitalprix <>.

Well, of course we should optimize our use of resources, and we could check what this library can offer - but I doubt that optimizations on this level would bring significant benefits in terms of increased speed of crawling - low-level IO handling is rarely the bottleneck. Most of the time the politeness limits (max rate of requests per host) are the bottleneck.

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki     <><
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[__ || __|__/|__||\/|  Information Retrieval, Semantic Web
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