For stuff like this best use whole web concepts as explained in the tutorial.

Rgrds, Thomas

On 7/25/06, Robert Sanford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm running version 0.7.2 and I'm using the Intranet crawl where I
specify a list of site root URIs in a text file along with a list of
regex for allowed URIs.

The question that I have is how to inject a new site into the crawl.

If I simply add a site URI into the file I have to completely restart
the crawl and can't use the same output directory as I used previously
and when that finishes I have to copy over the old one and then restart
my app server. That doesn't make sense... I really want to just give it
a new site root and have it added to the index.

Is that possible using the intranet config option?


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