redirecting to nutch-user...

What I currently have is that max. 2 matches are shown per website - but
that also from the summary-website only 2 matches are shown. Either I'd
need to be able to show only 2 matches per website but _all_ matches
from the summary-website (would be okay in this case) or give website 1
to 4 individual "IDs per website" and also assign each URL from the
summary-website the corresponding ID of the website it belongs to.

You can add whatever (meta-)data to index with indexing filter. You could
for example assign tag "A" to site A, tag "B" to B etc...
then assign unique tags for pages from summary site.

In searching phase you then use that new field as dedupfield (instead of site)

This should give you max (for example 2) hits per website and unlimited hits
from summary web site.

Does that fullfill your requirements?

Sami Siren

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