On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 10:48 AM, Joe Touch <to...@isi.edu> wrote:
> On 5/5/2015 10:23 AM, Larry Kreeger (kreeger) wrote:
> ...
>>> IP is a protocol. v4 and v6 are versions.
>> While I completely agree architecturally, when it comes down to
>> implementations, the only downside I see are that it uses multiple Next
>> Protocol code points.
> Here are the primary downsides:
> a) multiple codepoints at the top level
> b) the need to continually add new codepoints for new versions
> c) (and this is the big one)
>         NO savings in processing, in fact, it makes processing worse
> Not only do you need to find the version (as codepoint or within the IP
> header), but if you have the same information in two places you now need
> to verify that the two match and decide what to do when they don't.
If they don't match the packet should dropped-- this behavior is
already implemented.

> I.e., a person with one watch always knows what time it is; a person
> with two watches is never sure.
To follow through with your analogy, a person with one watch can give
the time but has no way to say that it is correct. A person with two
watches can not only give the time but also an assurance that the time
is correct (when the times on the watches match).

Redundant information in a packet is the basis for verifying the
packet against corruption. Since, the IPv6 version number is not
protected by any IP layer checksum, a single bit flip can change an
IPv4 packet  into an IPv6 packet without detection. With version
specific code-points we have another method to detect this corruption.

> There is simply NO utility in copying information that is equally easily
> available and it ONLY invites error.
> Joe
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