Hi Xiao Min,

Thanks for your reply. Some further comments in line below.

> On Aug 4, 2023, at 4:14 AM, xiao.m...@zte.com.cn wrote:
> Hi John,
> Thank you for the review and thoughtful comments.
> Please see inline.
> Original
> From: JohnScudderviaDatatracker <nore...@ietf.org>
> To: The IESG <i...@ietf.org>;
> Cc: draft-ietf-nvo3-bfd-gen...@ietf.org 
> <draft-ietf-nvo3-bfd-gen...@ietf.org>;nvo3-cha...@ietf.org 
> <nvo3-cha...@ietf.org>;nvo3@ietf.org <nvo3@ietf.org>;matthew.bo...@nokia.com 
> <matthew.bo...@nokia.com>;matthew.bo...@nokia.com <matthew.bo...@nokia.com>;
> Date: 2023年08月04日 03:40
> Subject: John Scudder's Discuss on draft-ietf-nvo3-bfd-geneve-12: (with 
> John Scudder has entered the following ballot position for
> draft-ietf-nvo3-bfd-geneve-12: Discuss
> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
> introductory paragraph, however.)
> Please refer to 
> https://www.ietf.org/about/groups/iesg/statements/handling-ballot-positions/  
> for more information about how to handle DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-nvo3-bfd-geneve/
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks for this valuable and easy-to-read spec. I have one concern that I'd
> like to have a discussion about; I hope this will be easy to resolve.
> [XM]>>> I believe so. :-)
> There are several places where you use MUST in a way I think is unnecessary,
> you seem to be saying, in effect, "to do Geneve you MUST do Geneve". Most of
> these are harmless IMO (I put some examples in the COMMENT section just in 
> case
> you're unclear what I'm talking about) but there are two that seem problematic
> to me, nearly-identical sentences from Sections 4.1 and 5.1:
>                   Then the Destination IP, the UDP destination port and
>    the TTL or Hop Limit of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to
>    determine whether the received packet can be processed by BFD.
> and
>                   Then the UDP destination port and the TTL or Hop Limit
>    of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to determine whether the
>    received packet can be processed by BFD.
> In both cases, it's unclear to me if you're just saying "Geneve has certain
> validation rules that have to be met before the packet can be passed to the
> upper layer", or if you're introducing a new requirement. In the former case,
> please be more transparent about that, possibly with a citation to the
> validation rules in the underlying spec. You could also consider dropping the
> RFC 2119 MUST. In the latter case, if you're truly introducing a new
> requirement, I think the validation rules need to be spelled out much more
> clearly. (I think it's probably the former case.)
> [XM]>>> It seems a mix of the two cases, and for the former case the 
> underlying spec is RFC 5881.
> Propose to change the text as below.
>                   Then the Destination IP, the UDP destination port and
>    the TTL or Hop Limit of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to
>    determine whether the received packet can be processed by BFD.
> and
>                   Then the UDP destination port and the TTL or Hop Limit
>    of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to determine whether the
>    received packet can be processed by BFD.
>                   Then the Destination IP, the UDP destination port and
>    the TTL or Hop Limit of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to
>    determine whether the received packet can be processed by BFD,
>    i.e., the three field values of the inner IP packet MUST be in compliance 
>    with what's defined in Section 4.

Destination address and TTL are easy for me to work out from Section 4:

      -  Destination IP: IP address of a VAP of the terminating NVE.  If
         the VAP of the terminating NVE has no IP address, then the IP
         address for IPv4 or ::1/128 for IPv6 MUST be used.

      -  TTL or Hop Limit: MUST be set to 255

Port isn’t explicitly mentioned in Section 4, but I guess this is the relevant 

      The fields of the UDP header and the BFD Control packet are
      encoded as specified in [RFC5881].

When I look in RFC 5881, I think the relevant requirement is in Section 4:

   BFD Control packets MUST be transmitted in UDP packets with
   destination port 3784, within an IPv4 or IPv6 packet.

Have I correctly identified all the requirements you’re looking to codify? If 
so, I think this text is good enough to clear the Discuss, although I would 
appreciate if the RFC 5881 reference included the section number to minimize 
inconvenience and ambiguity for the reader.

> and
>                   Then the UDP destination port and the TTL or Hop Limit
>    of the inner IP packet MUST be validated to determine whether the
>    received packet can be processed by BFD, i.e., the two field values of the 
>    inner IP packet MUST be in compliance with what's defined in Section 5.


      -  TTL or Hop Limit: MUST be set to 255


      The fields of the UDP header and the BFD Control packet are
      encoded as specified in [RFC5881].

With the same question if I’ve understood correctly, the same redirect into RFC 
5881 Section 4, and the same suggestion to cite the section specifically.

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> - Please consider expanding "FCS" where used, or glossing it elsewhere.
> [XM]>>> OK. Will add "FCS" to the Abbreviations section.
> - This sentence in Sections 4.1 and 5.1,
>                               The Destination MAC of the inner Ethernet
>    frame matches the MAC address of a VAP which is mapped to the same as
>    received VNI.
> has a grammatical problem that prevents me from making sense of it. I *think*
> you are missing a noun after "the same", so it should be something like "The
> Destination MAC _address_ of the inner Ethernet frame matches the MAC address
> of a VAP which is mapped to the same _???_ as _the_ received VNI." 
> Or maybe some other rewrite is needed, but anyway, it's not clear as it 
> stands.
> [XM]>>> Propose to change this sentence as below.
>                               The Destination MAC of the inner Ethernet
>    frame matches the MAC address of a VAP which is mapped to the same as
>    received VNI.
>                               The Destination MAC address of the inner 
> Ethernet
>    frame matches the MAC address of a VAP which is mapped to the same VNI as 
> the
>    received VNI.

Looks good.

> - Here are a few examples where I think you have MUSTs that may be 
> unnecessary,
> as referenced in my DISCUSS. I don't insist on any changes related to these,
> I'm just providing them for your information.
>                                                               The Outer
>    IP/UDP and Geneve headers MUST be encoded by the sender as defined in
>    [RFC8926].
> ("MUST be" could be "are"; occurs 2x in the doc)
> [XM]>>> Will do s/MUST be/are.


>       Opt Len field MUST be set consistent with the Geneve specification
> (This could be "The usage of the Opt Len field is specified in [RFC8926], and
> depends on whether or not", etc; occurs 2x in the doc)
> [XM]>>> In this case I prefer to remain it as is, because MUST/SHOULD is also 
> used for other fields of the Geneve header.


>    Once a packet is received, the NVE MUST validate the packet as
>    described in [RFC8926].
> (Could be "... the NVE validates..."; occurs 2x in the doc)
> [XM]>>> Will do s/MUST validate/validates.
> Best Regards,
> Xiao Min



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