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From: "David L. Peterson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 15, 2003 10:59:28 AM EST
Subject: Article: Using a Bicycle to Uplink on a Downtown Platform

Using a Bicycle to Uplink on a Downtown Platform

December 15, 2003

As a saxophone's melancholy music bounced off the tile
walls of the subway station at Union Square in Manhattan
last Thursday afternoon, Yury Gitman was hunched over a
laptop computer, trying a different kind of performance.

A thin stream of wireless Internet bandwidth was trickling
down the stairs to the downtown platform of the N,R,Q and W
lines, two levels below the street, and Mr. Gitman was
trying to get the tenuous link to send what he said would
be the first e-mail message from this deep in the New York
City subway system.

Mr. Gitman, an artist who is teaching a class at the
Parsons School of Design in collaboration with Eyebeam, a
media arts organization, intended the stunt to be a
demonstration of his Magicbikes - ordinary bicycles rigged
with networking gear that transforms them into wireless
Internet access points, using the wireless fidelity, or
Wi-Fi, technology now built into many laptops.

The bikes can connect to and amplify the signals of Wi-Fi
transmitters in the vicinity. Or they can tap into a
cellular data network, as was the case with a Magicbike
parked at the top of the subway stairs. That bike formed an
impromptu network with the Magicbike on the platform with
Mr. Gitman.

After some snags, Mr. Gitman and his students cheered as
their holiday greetings to Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg went
through. Just in time, too: Magicbikes lose their magic
when the batteries die, as was starting to happen. (A
spokeswoman for Parsons said on Friday night that the mayor
had not yet responded.)

Free wireless Internet access has proven popular in Bryant
Park and other public spaces in Manhattan. A few subway
patrons demonstrated curiosity, but none hauled out a
laptop to use the Magicbikes.

Mr. Gitman insists that New Yorkers need free Internet
access in the subway and everywhere else. "It's a quality
of life issue," he said, and the technology is cheap and
easy to set up. Although ads from companies like Intel
suggest that the world is blanketed in Wi-Fi signals, Mr.
Gitman said, coverage is in fact still limited.

He said he used bicycles because they "blend into the urban
fabric," and because cyclists tended to be socially
conscious and politically active.

The bikes are not good at allowing the use of their
wireless abilities when they are in motion, but Mr. Gitman
plans to put his class to work next semester solving that

"When this project is successful," he said. "people will
say, 'A bicycle with Internet access - so what?' " ex=1072495543&ei=1&en=10e286fceaa93348


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