Date:         Thu, 25 Mar 2004 09:32:24 -0500
From: Andy Oram <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Strangled telecom: how a "natural monopoly" stays that way

Strangled telecom: how a "natural monopoly" stays that way

Andy Oram


   Few will make the connection. But yesterday's news about a Supreme
   Court ruling on municipal phone networks represents another knot in
   the noose tightening around the neck of new and innovative
   communications technologies. Twenty years from now, as we're all
   complaining about the lack of viable and affordable high-speed
   communications--just as people were complaining twenty years ago, and
   as we are complaining now--we'll hardly remember the quiet gurgling
   noise made by the promise of innovation as it got slowly strangled to
   death. And unless we learn the tricks of the dominant monopolies, we
   will pass through death after death.

The first finger on the throat: Section 251 undermined

   What constitutes competition? The landmark Telecom Act of 1996 was the
   communications update to Nikolai Bukharin's call on Russian peasants:
   "Enrich yourselves." Here, the long-distance, local, and cable
   companies were supposed to invade each other's turf and vastly expand
   communications offerings for the public. But the 1996 act left scant
   opportunity for new, small providers. It did open a chink in the armor
   of monopoly through the well-known Section 251, which required
   incumbent phone companies to open their networks to competition in a
   variety of ways. But the Bell companies made sure that part of the law
   would subsequently be rendered toothless.

   The major extraction was performed by Michael Powell's FCC on August
   21, 2003, when it heeded Bell company claims that the requirement to
   support competition was holding back their own deployment of
   high-speed connections. The FCC cleverly worked around the spirit (in
   my opinion) of Section 251 by separating phone networks into the old
   and the new. On the old ones--which support ADSL at best--competition
   would be required as specified in the Telecom Act. On new
   ones--especially those built on fiber--the Bells would not have to
   allow competition.

   Well, maybe the gutting of Section 251 was inevitable; a lot of
   observers figured it would be. The Bells were so effective at making
   life impossible for competitors that it would have taken years of
   sympathetic courts (which, as we will see, are not anxious to play
   that role) to force a competitive environment. The hundred little ways
   Bells undermine the law have been documented in lawsuits and FCC
   documents, as summarized in my article [80]Bell Telephone Companies'
   Applications to Enter Long-Distance Market.

   Furthermore, the Bells made sure over and over, year after year, to
   get their well-funded congressional backers to introduce bills that
   would weaken Section 251. The FCC knew it was under tremendous
   political pressure to give the Bells some relief, and since Powell's
   sincere ideological bent lay in that direction anyway, Section 251 had
   to give.

The pressure increases: competitive charges overturned

   But the FCC has been consistent about promoting competition in one
   manner: by setting low rates for the lease or sale of incumbent
   telephone companies' lines and equipment. The FCC figured that most of
   this stuff had been laid down ages ago and had paid for itself many
   times over; it was about time to share the wealth with competitors who
   might make better use of it. (I will look at the implications of sunk
   investments later in the article.) So the FCC tried to set prices
   based not on what it cost to install the equipment, but on how much it
   could earn in the future--in other words, to treat the incumbents on
   the same level as the competitors.

   The Bells found that a pretty hard vampire to kill, but it looks like
   they've finally sunk the silver stake in place. The matter has gone
   back and forth in the courts for years, but the tide has turned
   against the FCC. Whatever the merits of the courts' rulings, the
   effect is to cut off innovation and sacrifice the public interest in
   favor of the Bells' monopoly status.

Sliding up the other side of the neck: municipal networks constrained

   If it is effectively impossible to offer service over existing phone
   equipment, new equipment must be laid down. And that requires a major
   economic player; Mom-and-Pop ISPs are not the ones to drive this
   revolution. Enter, then, the municipal governments.

   Cities around the country, alarmed by the loss of jobs and population
   and understanding that only a modern telecommunications infrastructure
   offers the hope of survival, have become so frustrated by the refusal
   of existing phone companies to build advanced networks that they've
   taken the law (so to speak) into their own hands. Just as cities built
   electrical grids and other utilities in the past, they are building
   their own phone and cable networks today.

   Despite the incumbent phone companies whining and hand-wringing over
   declining profits, they turn out to have plenty of money to stop this
   threat too. The cities and towns are truly their most formidable
   competitor, and they've left no stone unturned in the fight against
   municipal networks. In dozens of states they've gotten laws passed
   that specifically target municipalities. These laws ban the creation
   of municipal networks outright, or place on them onerous burdens in
   terms of financing and regulation.

   The cynicism as well as destructiveness of these laws is staggering.
   Towns are closing up and blowing away in some parts of the country.
   Young people abandon them for places with a more advanced economic
   infrastructure. These towns need modern networks the way they need a
   police force or water lines. And their [81]stories reveal that they
   have repeatedly tried to get help from commercial phone companies, to
   no avail.

   So if you and your neighbors want to put together a lawn-mowing or
   snow-shoveling collective, or organize to volunteer in your local
   schools, you are free to do so. But in many states you can't string a
   network. The Telecom Act actually includes a clause prohibiting the
   states from stopping competition. But the Supreme Court, in
   yesterday's ruling, assumed this clause applies only to private,
   commercial firms. You and your neighbors--you have no right to

Natural monopolies and unnatural acts

   Most of the political attention in the computer industry is focused
   right now on the Microsoft monopoly and the punitive European Union
   fine. There may be little that governments can do in this regard,
   because it seems inevitable for functions to be aggregated and
   subsumed into a common base as they become widespread--as people take
   them for granted. There was a time when Windows had no TCP/IP network
   stack. Who could ask for that to be unbundled now? The question
   becomes whether a single company can use its strangle-hold to suppress
   innovation and extract an unfair amount of payment for a common
   technological base.

   In the same way, telecom seems to settle into a "natural monopoly," to
   cite the notorious term introduced by AT&T president Theodore Vail in
   [82]1907. But as it becomes more and more widespread and taken for
   granted, it deserves less and less to be a cash cow for private
   companies. Even back in 1907, Vail recognized that regulation was
   necessary. At this point, municipal ownership can often be justified.

   Backers of the phone company position have sneered recently that phone
   companies are being unfairly constrained from using their own
   facilities the way they wish. After all, they own the lines, the
   poles, and the switching equipment. Who has the right to tell them how
   to use it?

   Well, the answer is that the companies don't own a right to these
   things free and clear. They've had ninety years of regulated monopoly
   status during which to build them up. The public granted them the
   right to lay lines and build networks. It was a partnership between a
   company and the public.

   Because capitalist laws are too crude to reflect this subtle
   partnership, the equipment is formally the property of the phone
   companies. But for phone companies to abandon their responsibility to
   support competition would be the communications equivalent of the land
   enclosures and expulsions that impoverished millions of people from
   the seventeenth century to the current day.



Andy Oram  O'Reilly & Associates              email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Editor     90 Sherman Street                       voice: 617-499-7479
           Cambridge, MA 02140-3233                  fax: 617-661-1116
Stories at Web site:
The Bug in the Seven Modules     Code the Obscure     The Disconnected


Joe Plotkin
DSL/Marketing - NYC's Best Internet
459 Broadway, 2nd floor
New York, NY  10013

vox: 212.982.9800
Boston: 617.848.0416
fax:  212.982.5499
efax: 772.365.5877
Fight the Monopoly!
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