Jacob Farkas wrote:

As for what can be 'next' for NYCwireless? The logical successor to the building of a free network infrastructure would be free content. The Internet as a commercial entity is half content and half ads. Try getting useful information, free e-mail, etc. without encountering heavy advertising. I support the rights of website operators to earn money, but I decry the diminishing number of quality free useful information.

Its still a shame that doing anything w/ voice will subject you to regulation now, that would have been a big push ...

I still think education (either free or extremely low cost) is the next push, as well as better relationships with retailers in the city, for example just having more info/flyer/whatever @ counters in J&R/CompUSA/Staples, etc on a guide to offering free/sharing nodes would help get to the root of purchases for APs, @ least getting the nycwireless idea out there to those who are diving into WiFi.

I also think the SafeMail was a big push in the right direction.

- Jon
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