Hello All,

        Apologies, but my first message on Monday never made it to the
mailing list (it was delivered to the server, just not broadcast out to
everyone). So, here it is again and even updated.

        Reminder, you must buy a ticket ahead of time for this event.
It's only $5, less than half a movie, so don't get cheap on us. Hope to
see you there.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 5:05 PM
To: nycwireless @ lists . Nycwireless . net
Subject: Special NYCwireless Meeting - Wed 9/27

Hello Everyone,

      We are having a special NYCwireless monthly meeting this
Wednesday. It's being held at Pace University across from City Hall. See
below for more details.

Date: September 29, 2004
Time: 7:00 PM -- 11:00 PM
Campus: New York City Downtown , Multipurpose Room
Audience: This event is open to the public and Pace community.
Contact: More information about this event is available online.
This event is ticketed. Admission is $5; free for Pace students. To
order tickets call 212-346-1715 between noon - 4pm Monday - Friday
beginning September 16th . Both Pace University's Michael Schimmel
Center for the Arts and the Multi Purpose Room can be found by entering
on Spruce Street between Park Row and Gold Street, just east of City
Hall Park.

Tickets must be purchased for this event ($5).

Spectropolis Downtown Dialogue Series:
Victory of the Commons: The Case for a Public Airwaves Movement
September 29, 7:00 pm, Multi-Purpose Room at Pace University, 3 Spruce
Street This panel will evaluate the case for a widespread social
movement advocating open spectrum policies led by community wireless
groups. Panelists will present the successes and failures of earlier
media and technology movements including media reform, low-power FM,
public access television, and open source software. In the past year,
two million people filed FCC comments to oppose a change in the media
ownership rules that would have increased the market share of corporate
broadcasters. Similarly, large hardware manufacturers and corporations
have begun using open source software, which was developed through the
collaborative efforts of a huge number of volunteer programmers.
Currently, we are in the midst of another social movement that threatens
to disrupt the status quo. Local wireless groups have begun to offer
free Internet access to their communities using WiFi, thereby creating
an alternative to commercial services. Present obstacles to the
development of a widespread social movement advocating open spectrum
policies will also be discussed.

Participants: Chris Anderson - Indymedia New York, Dharma Dailey -
Prometheus Radio, Anthony Townsend - NYCwireless, Michael Scott Jones -
Manhattan Neighborhood Network.
Moderator: Laura Forlano - Columbia University


Next Month's Meeting
(it's going to be a technical meeting, so be prepared)

Regular Monthly General Meeting Wed. Oct 27, 7:15pm.
- Location Details: Bway.net, 2 block north of Canal St.
- hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless sessions (Jon Baer)
- defending against hijacking and injecting bad data into wireless
sessions (Brian Walden)

If you have any topic suggestions for meetings, let me know. Thanks,

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