On Fri, 5 Nov 2004, Yury G wrote:

> to give some context to what i was asking....  14 people and myself are
> moving into an office space. we need to get an affordable high-speed
> connection and phone lines into the place.  we all need separate phone
> numbers.  i thought it would be cheaper to set everyone up with vontage
> service (or another voip service).  so we thought it would be best to
> figure out what kind of bandwidth we need for the voip phones before
> choosing the most appropriate and affordable internet package.
We provide "hosted and managed PBX" service delivered over our own
transport connections (DSL or T1). You do not have to worry about
"internet packet loss" or QoS issues with sending data traffic and phone
realtime traffic - we provide the transport, we manage the gateway, we
configure your PBX and we are the sole point of contact for both telephony
and internet. The phone/PBX are fully featured - you have on-screen
display when you access voicemail, phone soft-keys for transfer,
conference, etc. (For those technically inclined, we use asterisk/channel
banks/analog ADSI phones).

For customers who get T1 delivery - there is no VOIP in the picture 
altogether, calls ride TDM end-to-end (TDM from our carrier to us, TDM 
from us to you, TDM to your phone). 

Pricing depends on number of factors: delivery method (for businesses we
strongly recommend T1 plus DSL backup but we can do just DSL), number of
extensions, number of concurrent voice channels (both in and out), long 
distance calling plans. Pricing is very competitive when considering price 
of the T1.

Sample pricing:
48 extensions, up to 12 concurrent voice calls, T1 and 3M/768 DSL backup:

24 extensions, up to 8 concurrent voice calls, 3M/768 DSL: 400$/month

12 extensions, up to 6 concurrent voice calls, 3M/768 DSL: 350$/month

Long distance calling is not included at above rates, 3c/minute.

Setup costs: None. We provide all terminating equipment, channel banks,
etc.  Each phone handset (Nortel AAstra 390,
http://www.sayson.com/product/390.htm ) is 100$ apiece.

> vontage does say 90 kbs per line, but it didn't make clear if the phone 
> always needs a 90KB connection or just when someone is using it.  and 
> if that's a 90kbs connection both up and down?  this number seems like
Just when someone is using it, and it is both up and down. Keep in mind
that Vonage for business is not the same price as Vonage for home.
> the easy and dumb way to calculate it.  using it, that comes to about
> 1.4 Mb for 15 lines.  That's about the speed of a typical small office
> dsl connection.  so it looks like we'd want a 3mb connection or 2 DSL
> lines (if that's is possible).
Small office DSL connection usually is 768 upstream. 
> also it sounds like all these voip modems should have hardline
> connections when possible (as opposed to using wireless-to-wired bridges
> to give uplinks throughout a large space).  that's good to know.

> if someone has had good experience, or could you recommend a voip and
> isp combo i'm all ears.  not looking for anything fancy or too tech.  
> easy of use is an issue.  DSL Reports seems to favor packet 8.
I think we are on the fancy side, but hey, you get what you pay for ;)


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