Unfortunately this event conflicts with our meeting this Wednesday.

New Sounds Live

William Duckworth's "Cathedral," the 5-year multimedia internet music project

November 17 at the World Financial Center's Winter Garden
William Duckworth's Cathedral | Building - Chartres 

Live performance of William Duckworth’s 5-year multimedia internet music 
project, “Cathedral,” with WiFi hookups available for the audience to play 
along on virtual instruments.

World Financial Center Winter Garden
Wednesday, November 17th at 7PM
220 Vesey Street
Battery Park City ››› Directions
Admission FREE

» New Sounds Live 2004-2005 Concert Season

William Duckworth's Cathedral - Nostradamus - Chartres - 
www.monroestreet.com/Cathedral/ Hear (and play along!) with William Duckworth’s 
interactive music-making project, Cathedral, in the vaulted glass cathedral of 
the Winter Garden. There’s acoustic and computer music to be heard and made on 
newly created virtual instruments and conventional ones as part of this 
Cathedral performance.
Created specifically for the World Wide Web, the Cathedral project was 
constructed around a collection of five mystical moments in time; the building 
of the Great Pyramid, the building of the cathedral at Chartres, the founding 
of the Ghost Dance religion of Native Americans in the late 19th century, the 
building of the atomic bomb, and the founding of the world wide web.
The whole Cathedral Project is made up of the website; the PitchWeb, which is 
one of the virtual instruments designed for the site to allow listeners to play 
together online; and The Cathedral Band, a group of improvising musicians that 
gives periodic live performances from venues around the world, during which 
PitchWeb players can contribute to the concert. The Cathedral Band includes 
Stuart Dempster, trombone, toys, and didgeridoo; Abel Domingues, guitar; 
William Duckworth, PitchWeb; Nora Farrell, PitchWeb Moderator; Arthur J. 
Sabatini, The Chronicler; DJ Tamara, records; "Blue" Gene Tyranny, keyboards.

Sit in with The Cathedral Band using the PitchWeb through wi-fi hookups. You’ll 
need both Shockwave and Quicktime installed to experiment with the PitchWeb, 
(check your settings at www.pitchweb.net) the virtual instrument that allows 
anyone to play along with Cathedral in real time by making music out of shapes. 
It feels kind of like a giant chat-room, but with music-making capabilities. 
Your sonic building blocks come in several sets, sampled to order by the 
palette of colors and shapes which are the basis for player-composers who 
choose the elements of the music to be crafted. More about how to use and play 
with the Pitchweb: www.pitchweb.net


A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard 
Welsh proverb

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