> I've been using Time Warner RoadRunner with DYNDNS for years and it's 
> suited me well. Can reach home machine from work fine. But now I want 
> to really get into having my own webserver, mailserver, etc. at home 
> and am looking for a better ISP that I can get a stable IP from, that 
> won't block port 80 and others, etc. And of course one that won't 
> break my wallet. :)  This is for personal use. I'm not starting a 
> business.
> What suggestions do people have? I'm in Queens, btw.
> - Al

I'm not responding with exactly what you asked for, but have you thought of
keeping your cable service and running your servers off-site?  Particularly if
you're pretty Linux-savvy, it's not nearly as expensive as it sounds.  There's
a technology called User-mode Linux that essentially lets one take a Linux box
and share it amongst several different users, and each of them gets their own
"mini-Linux slice" of it - with full root access.  If you pay for one of
those, you can then do all your web, mail, etc. hosting there.

I recently signed up for one of these (via www.linode.com) and am very
pleased.  Only $20/month for their cheapest plan!



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