Hello from Adam Kb2Jpd

The frequency band that Wifi-B operates in is a junk band , a ISM band where medical, cooking, and consumer equipment can operate on top of each other as stated by the FCC. Since I can't see where you live, I can however tell you a few things....

If you live near a hospital or a convience store, they operate ISM devices that would wipe out the signal of your access point. Your local 7-11 microwave oven can be seen up to 3/4 mile away, even in Manhattan, where I live.

I don't know about your power output of your access point, however if you don't feel like upgrading to Wifi-B, the old Linksys B AP's put a lot more output power than say by D-Link's APs. My AP goes maybe 50 feet past my apartment awhile the Linksys can be seen down the block. Otherwise, check out the Linksys or look at the new Pre-N access points that promise further range using new tech at the transmitting and receiving end.

Adam Kb2Jpd

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