>>>I can not state of any locally, but are you really looking
>>>for such a tough enclosure, start with a plastic inverted
>>>bucket  and work your way up.

I have had some success (nearly 2 years) with
USPS-approved water resistant AP enclosures.
About 8" w x 16" long x 10" high at the top of the arch.

The traditional shape mailbox for on top of a post
(as seen in Snoopy cartoons) is about $7 in plastic
at Home Despot.  For best success, look for
white plastic mailbox.   The second time
I shopped for one, I bought the mounting plate,
looks like a good idea, though it is not in use yet.

I drilled holes in the bottom, one for ethernet,
(at one time, one for 120VAC, and two for antenna)

(I later learned you can route a cable past
the "hinge" without any holes)

BTW, plug or cover any holes, because the running
Soekris board inside attracts bees.


(PS, the bucket worked for about a year before
the mail box :-).

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