On Fri, 29 Apr 2005, Robert Liu wrote:

> 1)  Read the Philadelphia business plan.  If you are an ISP,
> municipalities like Philly are building a vibrant marketplace for you to
> sell your service.  The city is the wholesaler...not the retailer.
In that case, I have no problem. If the city provides free "transport"  
service to the ISP of your choice, and not the end-user service, that's
fine by me.

But that's *not* what the cities which actually *have* done the wireless 
broadband have done, so your argument is specious. 

> 2)  Again, read the plan.  No tax dollars are used.  Even the bonds are
> taxed, not tax exempt.
I wish I could have unconditional guarantee backed by tax revenues (HINT:
the only reason people buy bonds is because of that guarantee) in order to
expand. Certainly beats having to borrow money against my house!

> 5)  Cities like Philly aren't fighting the building of new towers.  
> They aren't funding it making it much more costly for the wholesale
> venders. But they certainly aren't opposing it.
Sure they are. Try to put up a wireless tower in your community, and see
how complicated the approval process is, how retarded people are with
regards to "eyesores", etc.


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