:))  My spelling isn't the best... but I do know that my pants are loose and
I'm probably a loser, but the sky isn't falling because of free wifi! 

I still haven't heard anything to make me want to pay for your service. What
do you provide besides the pipe to entice me to pay for your service? I can
hitch hike or buy a car based on added value and need... where's your value?
Why should people buy your service? 

Complaining about government is easy, providing a valuable service that
people are willing to pay for, is the real challenge.

Bruce Ehlers

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:48 AM
To: Bruce Ehlers
Cc: 'Joe Plotkin'; nycwireless@lists.nycwireless.net
Subject: RE: [nycwireless] DSL Prime: Verizon Killing WiFi Wants people

On Sat, 30 Apr 2005, Bruce Ehlers wrote:

> You guys are arguing about non-issue... Wifi for profit is a LOOSER 
> without added value. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry can put up an antenna and 
> provide FREE Wifi service to his neighbors, but is that what they 
> really want?  I don't
I normally don't argue with people who use LOTS OF ALL CAPS and can't tell
loser from a looser, but I'll make an exception here.

> Let the city provide free service and figure out why someone should 
> pay you for yours.. You'll be far better off and make a bunch of money 
> while the city provides another inadequate service that no one cares
> It's the American way... By the way I'm still waiting for someone to 
> throw into this argument the "we're at war" statement as an issue for 
> something.
This argument is ridiculous. Go provide water service (or compete with
city-owned monopoly) to everyone within a mile of your house, and then talk
to me. Just because you can't control everything the government does (and
might not care about everything the government does), does not mean you
shouldn't act to prevent government from doing yet another stupid thing (in
this case, establishment of yet another monopoly).

> I live in MN and provide FREE wifi service to anyone within a mile of 
> my house on the St. Croix river... Everyone can use it from their boat 
> for free, but I'll also bet that they have their own service that they 
> pay for at home. Yep, I'm one of those Tom, Dick, and Harry's and 
> having fun providing a FREE service to my neighbors on the river... I 
> don't think that Qwest or Comcast is worrying too much about it 
> because they provide something that I can't ADDED VALUE.
No. They don't care about it because 

a) there aren't enough of you to make a difference

b) you do not compete with qwest - there are absolutely no guarantees or
recourse for customers who use that service.

If 90% of your town was covered by free wifi provided by people like you,
trust me, they'd care.


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