I am trying to create a bootable CD using a modified version of Pebble.  I
have added more packages and a new kernel.  It runs from HD fine and I love

I am having problems getting it to boot from CD when I create the ISO.  The
system says the cdrom is on /dev/hdc when booting.  The cdrom works when
booting from HD.  I get this error:

VFS: Cannot open root device ³hdc² or unknown-block(0,0)
Please append a correct ³root=² boot option

I have everything build into the kernel needed based on all docs I have
found.  I am not using an cramfs just using /dev/hdc as the fs in ro mode.
I found a document sometime ago of someone else that use pebble to create a
custom boot cd and it worked.  I am just not sure what I am missing.

I have isolinux.cfg setup as:

 lable linux
  kernel vmlinux
  append ro root/dev/hdc

/etc/fstab setup as:

/dev/hdc    /   ext2 defaults,noatime,ro    0   0
proc          /proc proc    defaults             0    0
tmpfs       /rw     tmpfs   defaults,size=30M   0   0

Any idea what I am missing?

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