i think we need to be realistic about what we can do with wireless in major disasters like this. for the most part the Red Cross, Nat'l Guard, FEMA, etc are very well equipped communications-wise.

while we're on it - is Katrina going to be the start of another short- lived collective whine by the blogging community about how to save the world by blogging about it (and then forgetting about it a month later)? or is the South not as cool as Thailand and Sri Lanka?

if you want to help, go to work, make money and donate cash to the relief effort

or invent a way to pump water or concrete over Wi-Fi

On Aug 31, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Dana Spiegel wrote:

This is a good question. Read Sascha Meinrath's take on mesh networks for disaster recovery here:


Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

Read the Community Wireless blog: http://sociable.blogspot.com


Katrina Rebuilding: Technological Assistance?
Curious to see if anyone is aware of efforts to plan for rebuilding IT infrastructure after the current crisis in the Katrina-ravaged areas has subsided.

I am specifically interested in efforts that we could connect with to leverage wireless skill with enabling the aid agencies IT staff to support larger operations once they need it. Perhaps deploying mesh networks and the like.

Also leverage this opportunity to build community wireless when the rebuilding is well underway.

I'm looking for connections with other like minded efforts. At present it's pretty early and nothing obvious is posted. Some info may appear on www.boingboing.net in the way of coordinating efforts for techy types.


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