For those of you who were unable to attend this week's meeting, I wanted
to provide brief updates on some projects:

!New York Done Right
NYCwireless is collaborating with Open Resource Group to launch a site
called New York Done Right. Its basically an organizational tool where
we can work through projects and fund-raise, and is intended to support
bottom-up organizational process. You can use it at
[|]. It's far from
perfect and complete, so if you have comments/suggestions about the
site, please just email me.

!Dag Hammarskjold Plaza
A member of The Friends of Dag Hammarskjold Plaza has contacted us about
the possibility of getting that park lit up with wireless. We are
starting the process of organizing about this. We will be using our new
project management tools
Please contact [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]|Ben Serebin] if you'd like to
get involved

We're just about ready to launch this. Please keep an eye out for an
email from Rob Kelley. We're still looking for people who would like to
host WifiDog Nodes!

!Harlem Wireless
There's no update on this project, unfortunately. I've sent some
inquiries to the organization from which we're waiting for approval, but
haven't heard back yet. They are still working through the approval process.

!Village Wireless
American's for Informed Democracy, NYU Chapter, is working on a grant
proposal to help deploy lots of hotspots in the Village, around the NYU
area. We're working with them to help them with the technology aspect,
and once they get the grant, there will be lots of work to do to get the
WifiDog nodes configured and distributed for this project.

Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

Read the Community Wireless blog:

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