Hi all:

As Joe mentioned, at this Wednesday's meeting we'll be giving away our
first WifiDogs--Spot, Rover, Alfie, Bowser, Cujo, Duke, and TBD.  If
you bring a basic Linksys WRT54G, you'll get a preconfigured WifiDog to
take home.   

What's WifiDog? WifiDog is a "smart" hotspot.  It's a wifi portal
solution that runs on OpenWRT, open-source firmware for the Linksys
WRT54G.  WifiDog allows realtime monitoring of nodes, customizable
splash pages, and good statistical reporting.  

Why are we doing this?  Look at our network now:

Grey are unmonitored hotspots (at least not monitored by the auth
server).  We want to make the network green.

If you're planning on taking us up on the offer, let me know (rob at

Bring a basic WRT54G with you.  Here are this week's WRT deals:
* Circuit City has $30 in mailin rebates on the WRT54G, giving net
price of $39.99.
Product Link)
* Radio Shack has an instant in-store rebate of $10 and a mail-in of
$10, giving a net price of $49.99.

PLEASE NOTE:  The newest version of the Linksys (v5) doesn't run the
open-source software yet.  So check the first four characters of the
serial number before you buy.   Look for a serial number starting with
CDFA or CDF0-CDF9. DO NOT get CDFB.  CDFB is Bad. It'll be hard for us
to make it work.  


Rob Kelley

__Meeting info__
This Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 at 7:15pm
Bway.net - in new home
568 Broadway at Prince St, NE corner
Suite 404
New York, NY 10012


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