NYCwireless will be presenting at the "Media Policy: Why it Affects Everyone" panel at 11:15. I hope to see you there!


Announcing the 3rd Annual NYC Grassroots Media Conference
Saturday February 2nd at New School University
65 Fifth Avenue at Thirteenth Street
Register Now!

New York, NY - The NYC Grassroots Media Coalition (NYCGMC) will present its third annual conference at New School University Saturday, February 11th from 10am to 6pm. The conference theme, forging stronger connections between independent media and communities organizing aroundissues of justice and equality, seeks to address pressing issues of representation and diversity within the NYC community and beyond. Registration for the event costs $20 for adults, $5 for youth and $30 at the door.

A projected one thousand students, activists, media makers, community workers and artists will convene in Manhattan for a day of more than 40 workshops, do-it-yourself (DIY) trainings, discussions, panels, art exhibitions and films. Kaajal Shah, of The Ave Magazine noted: "In these times, conferences like this are vital in helping to facilitate the process of engaging young people in ongoing organizing work. The struggle to find accurate, truthful media remains a struggle in our communities. It is our responsibility to not only hold these information sources accountable but to also have the ability to create our own tools of conveying our stories through our voices." A goal of the conference is to address pressing media policy issues threatening to limit grassroots communication. Karen Helmerson, Director of Electronic Media and Film at New York State Council on the Arts said “The NYC Grassroots media conference offers a fresh look at policy in our digital society and broadens the scope of representation from the ground up - so critical to a healthy democracy.”

Workshops will include “STORMWATCH: The Struggle for a Renewed Activist Mediaafter Hurricane Katrina” with Praxis Project, The People’s Hurricane Relief Fund & Oversight Coalition, Emergency Communities “Do It Yourself Media Criticism” with Fairness and Accuracy in News Reporting, “Media Policy: Why it Affects Everyone” with Free Press and NYC Wireless, “Using Youth Media to Fight Stereotypes” with Arab Women Active in the Arts and Media (AWAAM)

Community art exhibitions and film screenings presented by Hip Hop Association, the Human Rights Watch International Film Festival, Urban Visionaries, The Media That Matters Film Festival and Third World Newsreel. Katy Chevigny, Independent Filmmaker and Executive Director of Arts Engine, Inc. states: "New York City is filled with millions of voices, each with it's own story to tell. The Grassroots Media Conference is one of the best events for media makers to share those stories and the strategies they employ for getting them out there!"

The NYC Grassroots Media Coalition is a project of Paper Tiger Television in collaboration with May First /People Link, North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) and the NYC Independent Media Center.

For a full list of workshops descriptions, speakers, schedule information and to register please visit http://

Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

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