Oh Alex how could you? It is one thing to be wrong on the facts, but to publicly slander an ally based upon nothing but your incorrect opinion? Thats awful.

I have worked with Bruce, fighting on behalf of independent ISPs, for over 8 years. FIGHTING TO PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS -- lobbying in DC, filing with FCC, doing research proving the ISPs were harmed, suing, holding meetings, speaking at ISPcon, etc. He has done more than you have to protect ISPs and their access to the public network.

Bruce is NOT financed by the anyone, let alone the CWA. Perhaps you are confused by the report Bruce published a couple of years back -- which was based upon a CWA report that documented that Vz workers were being forced by supervisors to obstruct and delay competitor installs and repairs. This report validated what many of us who used CLECs like Covad had experienced. This report HELPED bring pressure that eliminated the worst of these abuses for the past several years. Essentially, the CWA members were the whistle-blowers who felt what they were being asked to do was wrong.

Yeah Bruce is nuts -- he's nuts to expect some gratitude from the people he has labored selflessly to protect. No good deed goes unpunished I guess . . .

-----------------> Joe

At 1:20 AM -0500 2/13/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, 12 Feb 2006, Joe Plotkin wrote:

 Yesterday's NY Times has a column commenting on Bruce Kushnick's new
 book (below) -- in which Bruce documents the Baby Bell fraud. Now that
 the Bells have succeeded in their dream of an *unregulated monopoly* --
 a wider constituency has awakened to the dangers Bruce has been fighting
 against for a decade.
Anything Kushnick writes should be read with a bucket of salt.  Not to say
that he's right on many things, but there just as many things on which
he's nuts.

Currently he's financed by CWA, which is far more corrupt than VZ itself.


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Joe Plotkin
Bway.net - NYC's Best Internet
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