On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 22:27, Jim Henry wrote:
> Ruben,
>    Telcos don't pay franchise fees in most cases to the best of my knowledge
> and are now doing their best to avoid paying them as cable companies do,
> even as the telcos begin to roll out video service.
>       On the other hand, cable companies DO pay them. In addition, yes
> they also provide local access channels for the communities they serve. I
> don't know how you can interpret that as some sort of monopoly for either
> cable or telcos. These channels are USED by the local communities.  

This whole right up a load of jaargon laced claptrap.

The telcos have exclusive rights to your house through an intermediary
franchise granted by NYC whose name is escaping me at the moment.  If
not for the Federal Teleco Act to open up competition, even Covad would
NEVER had happened.

As for the Cable TV companies, they actively did a shakedown routine on
local communities, holding up CTV access for a decade to shake out
money.  I remember this as a PRIMARY witness to the events after
attending the hearing and being directly involved in political
machinations at the time, especially when they left out Brooklyn and
Bronx for decades and held up Rockville Center under a direct threat.

Don't even attempt to rewrite the history.

Alex Pilosoft was still learning basic English when these things were
going down.

> They are
> PROVIDED by the cable companies at no charge and with no restrictions in
> ADDITION to the fees paid to the community.

GOOD.  Or they can rip out the cables and we can get a better carrier in

No Problem Amigo.


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