     No I have not been sleepwalking. I have been working hard and 
reaping the rewards.
     Again, if you REALLY feel that Europe, even all nations 
combined, has a stronger economy than the U.S., then you are so 
disconnected from the facts that I don't think I could ever 
convince you otherwise.  Korea does indeed have a strong economy, 
but it too is not equal to ours.
     Perhaps most telling is that you seem to equate the average 
speed of a residential connection to an ISP with the strength of a 
nation's economy. To that all I can say is "Please re-read 
paragraph 2."
     Yes, our economy is changing. It has been changing since the 
beginning of our nation.  Some people get lucky and get to stay in 
their same occupation for their 30-50 years but most don't. They 
either change with the times or fall behind. Twenty to thirty 
years ago I was a skilled tradesman in a good union job.It was 
good. I got triple time on Sunday,2 1/2 time on Saturday night, 1 
1/2 time in the evenings, and good benefits. Then as the economy 
changed more of my work out-sourced, though back then the term was 
"privatized". Every 3 years our contract got worse. I saw the 
writing on the wall and educated myself and changed careers. My 
co-workers from back then either did the same or stayed,but now 
they earn less than half what I do,and complain about the "union". 
If the contracts had stayed the same, their employers would have 
gone out of business because they could not have competed any 
longer, and they would have no jobs at all.

     Nothing sinister in all this, it is just the way Economics 


On Wed Mar 15 21:54:52 PST 2006, Darrel O'Pry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 22:11 -0500, Ruben Safir wrote:
>> << Make the U.S. more competitive?  Look around you! It is other
>> nations who need to emulate us to attempt to compete with US. 
>> And as a
>> relative measure against ourselves, by all the parameters used to
>> measure the health of the U.S. economy (unemployment pct, cost of
>> living, inflation, # people employed, home ownership, inflation, 
>> GDP,
>> etc.) the U.S. economy has never been better or stronger.>>
>> BTW this is rather insulting.  Have you actually been 
>> sleepwalking
>> through the last 6 years of the high tech economy?
> Lets see, 10Mbps+ connections to the home are common in europe. 
> Korea
> can even bling bling a 25 megabit connection to the home... Jobs, 
> well IBM is moving a big portion of their future software
> development to india(about 55k new jobs for india). Turning their 
> US
> holdings in more 'customer facing' facilities. (America to be the 
> worlds
> mall).... I'd say billions in IT dollars are flowing out of the 
> US
> economy. Our imports exceed our exports.... As a country we are 
> deeply
> in debt, both private and public.
> A large portion of our manufacturing has moved overseas as 
> well... We're left with a service and sales driven economy which 
> is as shaky as
> the stock market when all is said and done...
> It will take a long time to recover, and it doesn't help that
> financially our country (not just the government) has been headed 
> in the
> wrong direction riding a near unregulated free market where % are 
> more
> important than concrete $ and goods
> That's my pessimistic luddite view...
> --
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