  Utilities such as cable companies don't get free access to 
streets, underground conduits, et. They PAY the community for it.
Again, Time Warner does not want to regulate the Internet. I can't 
speak for them but I believe they just don't want others to 
regulate it either.

On Thu Mar 16 10:38:10 PST 2006, Ruben Safir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> On Thu, 2006-03-16 at 09:58 -0800, Jim Henry wrote:
>> If you can show that Time Warner is involved in getting this 
>> legislation introduced,I willbe very surprised.
> Time Warner is agaisnt the bill because they want to regulate the
> internet based on their ill-begotten monopoly of our cables in 
> our
> streets.  They want to prevent the public from having open access 
> to the
> the the public's cables in the public's streets because then they 
> can't
> regulate it.
> I have an idea.  Lets have ConEd be allowed to cut back on the 
> power
> supply of the TW building on 59th street, the water company to 
> cut back
> on the water to their offices on 59th street, the gas company cut 
> back
> on the heat and steam to their office tower, and while we're at 
> it, lets
> have the FCC block all the satilite and EM transmittions of all 
> TW
> communications at our back and call.   And THEN we can hand the 
> access cable rights to Google and IBM.
> Ruben
NYCwireless -

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