A friend of mine -- Oliver Hurst-Hiller -- forwarded me this email, and his organization, DonorsChoose.org, which provides resources for public education of students, is an organization that I and other NYCwireless members support. Others of you may also be interested in helping this fellow non-profit out.

DonorsChoose.org just made the Top 5 finals of the American Express Members Project! As promised, I’m emailing you one last time to ask for your vote.

If you voted prior to this past Monday then you need to vote again, since all vote tallies from previous rounds were zeroed for the finals.

The project currently edging us out for the #1 spot is a real Goliath, as you can see from this New York Times article:

“Procter & Gamble is traveling incognito in the American Express Member’s Project... [P&G employee] Mr. Allgood entered the science and theory behind the Children’s Safe Drinking Water program. But he said that the Member Project’s rules precluded him from naming it, or mentioning Pur or Procter.” (NYT, July 24, 2007)

But that’s not going to stop us!   :)

If you voted in the contest already, it will only take you 30 seconds to vote this time. If it’s your first time voting, 2 minutes is needed to vote with your personal or corporate AmEx card.

Please vote now for DonorsChoose.org’s submission:

Teachers Ask.  You Choose.  Students Learn.

If we win, all the award proceeds--up to $5 million--will go to classroom projects on our site. Hundreds of thousands of public school students stand to benefit.

Please refer to these simple voting instructions if you get stuck.

We’re in the final homestretch, and the outcome will likely be decided by fewer than a hundred votes. Your vote now is essential.

On behalf of all the schoolchildren whom your vote will impact, thank you for helping at this critical moment!


P.S. Please forward this email to your friends and colleagues, asking them to vote for us too!

Dana Spiegel
Executive Director
+1 917 402 0422

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