I just posted this to my www.collins.net.pr/blog and thought it may
interest a few people on this list.......wifi router module anyone?








I had a really interesting conference call today about a new startup
called http://www.buglabs.net <http://www.buglabs.net/> 

They are looking to introduce a modular set of 'devices' that fit
together and along with supporting software will allow you to creat your
own 'opensource hardware mashups'.

So the core 'base unit' is a fully programmable and "hackable" Linux
computer, equipped with a fast CPU, 128MB RAM, built-in WiFi,
rechargeable battery, USB, Ethernet, and a small LCD with button

>From there 4 additional modules can be added, gps, video camera, lcd
display, accelerometer/motion sesor being the first 4 for release
(though 81 have been mocked up so far).

The long term concept is if you want a 'weather station with live video
feeds and gps location control you can add various modules together to
deliver what you are looking to achieve.

I have high hopes for the concepts, and wish the guys well as it seems
their hearts are in the right place.....though it's going to be a long
(but interesting) road to travel.








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