A first year PROTHONOTARY WARBLER continued at Prospect Park’s Lily Pond
on Wednesday 8/19. Seen briefly from the Binnen Bridge, but best views
were from the viewing platform on the east side of the pond, from which it
was seen in the morning along the opposite edge of the pond, an area
difficult to view from other vantages. On a second visit in the early
afternoon the bird appeared at closer range, just to the left of the
platform. It was mostly working within the first layer of foliage without
exposing itself for extended periods; this habit, along with the presence
of similarly plumaged Blue-winged and Yellow Warblers in the same area
made it somewhat challenging to pick out.

Overall activity was low, with few migrants on hand. The only other
notable bird was a MERLIN on a familiar perch above the Nethermead. These
are not typically around in summer, but I had a sighting in the same spot
on 7/29, and last year one was seen regularly throughout the summer. This
may be a single returning bird (and I’ve seen nothing to indicate
breeding) but Peter Dorosh mentioned that he’d seen one at Coney Island in
July, so perhaps more are finding their way to our region during this

Good birding,
Alex Wilson
Brooklyn, NY

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