The birder that Dou Gochfeld referred to is Stan Kirsh, a friend for over 30 
years, who now lives in North East, Maryland. Stan has been birding for 5-6 
years, and of course agreed to meet me at JBWR, when I called with the invite 
on Wenesday night. We all had a great day today...but Stan's was just a bit 
"greater"! He and I got to see all the species mentioned by Doug, except for 
the stilt... but with (5) of them being seen by Stan for the very first time-or 
as he prefers to say "1 shy of a double hat trick"!

Stan also was quick to point out that it was either one day short, or one day 
more, of exactly a year ago, when he saw his first Curlew Sandpiper, right here 
on the East Pond. He could not, however, remember if it was part of a hat 
trick, or not!

Due to the "magic" of cell phones, we have Doug & Andrew to thank for the 
avocet & godwit, and to Shai Mitra for the Peregrine Falcon he pointed out, as 
he quickly passed us enroute to D & A's position, himself responding to their 
"godwit APB". Cheers, Bob

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