A CLAY-COLORED SPARROW popped up from the scrub on the previously  
cleared-now overgrown edge of the boat basin at Calvert Vaux Park  
today around 1 PM. As I tried to track the bird I was distracted by  
the calls of two WHIMBRELS, flying east up the creek, and  
disappearing beyond the tree line on the far side of the park.  
Earlier in the morning they’d been feeding on the west lawn,  
retreating a couple of times to the water’s edge along the creek’s  
mouth. These have been around since at least 9/1 when first reported  
by Rob Jett and represent a new species for the park list, which now  
numbers over 200 species.

Also notable was a good movement of BOBOLINKS, with numerous birds  
passing overhead as well as through the park's grassy areas.

The park is also good for insects, today's butterflies including  
Viceroy, Variegated Fritillary and numbers of Common Buckeye.

Good Birding,
Alex Wilson


Location:     Calvert Vaux Park, AKA Dreier-Offerman Park
Observation date:     9/5/09
Number of species:     57

Red-breasted Merganser     1     (Female roosting along edge of creek  
Great Blue Heron     1
Snowy Egret     2
Green Heron     3
Black-crowned Night-Heron     5
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron     3
Sharp-shinned Hawk     1     (1 or 2, seen on east and west edges of  
Red-shouldered Hawk     1     (Juvenile flyover, harassed by 4  
American Kestrel     5     (Mostly from local family.)
Solitary Sandpiper     1     (Flew out from basin early AM.)
Whimbrel     2     (Moving between west lawn and edge of creek mouth  
in the AM; flying east up the creek, across the mouth of the basin  
and out of sight at 1PM.)
Least Sandpiper     1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird     2
Willow Flycatcher     1
Least Flycatcher     2
Eastern Kingbird     2
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     1
Veery     3
Brown Thrasher     1
Yellow Warbler     6
Magnolia Warbler     1
Black-throated Blue Warbler     1   (Female.)
Palm Warbler (Yellow)     1     (FoS, early.)
American Redstart     15
Northern Waterthrush     2
Common Yellowthroat     4
Clay-colored Sparrow     1     (Flew up from scrub along edge of  
basin on main peninsula of park; perched briefly in tree giving clear  
Bobolink     100     (Flocks of 30 and 20 on either side of main  
peninsula; one larger flyover flock with several other calling flybys  
and passovers.)

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