Posted to nys birds,
T. Fiore, Manhattan
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Subject: BROWN-CHESTED MARTIN @ Cumberland Farms
From: Marshall Iliff <miliff AT>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 11:44:19 -0400

As others have posted on our behalf, Jeremiah Trimble, Matt Garvey, and I were stunned to have a Brown-chested Martin (an austral migrant from South America) fly past us at Cumbies this morning. We first saw it at 10:00 sharp and lost it quickly, but Jeremiah redound it at 10:20 and 10 of us had prolonged point blank views.

Jeremiah and others got great photos (see for an early example from the field. More to follow.

It spent most of its time feeding over the field east of the entrance road heading to the compost piles. At about 11:00 it climbed high to the south -- we are waiting for its reappearance. It could be anywhere at Cumbies now. Other swallows in the area would have been the highlights had the Martin not been here-- 1-2 Bank, 1 dull Cliff, a Barn, and ~200 Tree.

There are about -- the first was a Monomiy bird in June, with other records including Nov 1997 at Cape May NJ, a Florida and a Connecticut sight record, and a recent Arizona photo from Patagonia Lake. So potentially a 6th USA record!

It appears to be a juvenile of the tapera suspecies, with a row of black dots down the central belly.

I'd imagine mid-day would be a tough time to refind this bird, but the evening (4:00 to 6:00) could be productive.

Good luck to all that look for it!


Marshall Iliff
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[Progne tapera = Brown-chested Martin]

Directions to Cumberland Farms Important Bird Area in Middleboro, Mass.

Take either Rt 95 in Canton, MA or Rt 24 south in Randolph, MA, both off of I-93, to I-495 South. Take to exit 6 (Rt 44). At end of ramp go right. Follow to circle, take Rt 44 East exit off of rotary. Go through 3 sets of lights and at the fourth light take a left onto Rt 105 North. Follow Rt 105 for about three miles going past several farms and farm fields. Look for River Street; it should be the first street which crosses Rt 105 (can go left or right). Take a right onto River Street; this is the north side of the field complex. About 1/2 mile or so there is a road into the complex. Most park at the entrance and walk in.

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