Date: Saturday, 17 October 2009 (8:05a-2:45p)
Location: Central Park - Strawberry Fields to the reservoir
Reported by: Ben Cacace

The larger flocks of sparrows were the most interesting places to bird which
included Strawberry Fields, Sparrow Ridge (near the latitude of 83rd St.
east of the West Drive), Maintenance Meadow and the Pinteum). Nine species
were seen including Towhee and Junco. See details below in the taxonomic
order section.

Duck numbers are slowly increasing on the reservoir with 3 Pied-billed
Grebes and a few small rafts of Ruddy Ducks numbering 80+ birds. One male
Northern Shoveler was in with the Ruddy Ducks.

Fifty-two Gadwall were seen on Turtle Pond.

A small group of 3 Chimney Swifts were feeding over the Ramble.

Weather for 17-Oct in Central Park (7:51a-2:51) <>:
- Conditions: completely cloudy to mostly cloudy
- Temperature: 43.0 to 48.0 F (6 to 9 C)
- Wind direction: NE / variable / NE
- Wind speed: 6-13 mph (gusts to 20 mph)

** Total species - 57 **

Abundance categories below from 'An Annotated Checklist: The Birds of
Central Park'.

'Less Common' migrants [12 spp]:
- Wood Duck - 1 non-adult male plumaged on S edge of Turtle Pond
- Gadwall - 52 on Turtle Pond
- Pied-billed Grebe - 3 on the N edge of the reservoir
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 10+
- Black-capped Chickadee - 1 S of path in Strawberry Fields
- Gray-cheeked Thrush - 1 in the Ramble
- Wood Thrush - 1 heard near the source of the Gill
- Brown Thrasher - 1 in Strawberry Fields
- Field Sparrow - 2 incl. Sparrow Ridge & 1 near Bow Bridge
- Fox Sparrow - 1 on SE edge of lawn in Strawberry Fields
- Swamp Sparrow - 4+
- White-crowned Sparrow - 4 juv. incl. Strawberry Fields, Maintenance Meadow
& Pinetum

'Common' migrants [30 spp]:
- American Black Duck - 3+ on the lake
- Northern Shoveler - 1 male on the reservoir
- Ruddy Duck - 70+ on the reservoir in 2 rafts of 39 & 31
- Double-crested Cormorant - 2 incl. 1 juv. on the lake & 1 adult on the
- Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3 in migration over Belvedere Castle
- Cooper's Hawk - 1 W of Turtle Pond attended by a flock of starlings
- Chimney Swift - 3 over the Ramble
- Northern Flicker - 5+
- Eastern Phoebe - 20+
- Blue-headed Vireo - 1 in the Pinetum
- House Wren - 1 near the Lower Lobe of the lake
- Winter Wren - 3+
- Golden-crowned Kinglet - 10+
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 10+
- Swainson's Thrush - 1 in the Ramble was a bit of a surprise
- Hermit Thrush - 100+
- American Robin - 12+
- Gray Catbird - 10+
- Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female-type in the Ramble
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5+
- Palm Warbler - 1 in Strawberry Fields near the Cypress
- American Redstart - 1 female-type at the source of the Gill
- Ovenbird - 1 at the source of the Gill
- Common Yellowthroat - 1 female in Strawberry Fields
- Eastern Towhee - 6+
- Chipping Sparrow - 100+ near Sparrow Ridge
- Song Sparrow - 50+
- White-throated Sparrow - 500+
- Dark-eyed Junco - 6+
- Common Grackle - 12+

Year round residents [15 spp]:
- Canada Goose - 2 on the lake
- Mallard - 80+ on the lake
- Red-tailed Hawk - 2 incl. 1 juv. over the Pinetum & 1 adult over the
- Ring-billed Gull - On the reservoir
- Herring Gull - On the reservoir
- Great Black-backed Gull - On the reservoir
- Rock Pigeon - 300+ being fed at 66th St. & 5th Ave.
- Mourning Dove - 10+
- Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2+ heard
- Downy Woodpecker - 4+
- Blue Jay - 20+
- American Crow - Group of 10+ over the Great Lawn
- European Starling - 10+
- Northern Cardinal - 10+
- House Sparrow - 50+

Taxonomic order:

- Canada Goose - 2 on the lake
- Wood Duck - 1 non-adult male plumaged on S edge of Turtle Pond
- Gadwall - 52 on Turtle Pond
- American Black Duck - 3+ on the lake
- Mallard - 80+ on the lake
- Northern Shoveler - 1 male on the reservoir
- Ruddy Duck - 70+ on the reservoir in 2 rafts of 39 & 31
- Pied-billed Grebe - 3 on the N edge of the reservoir
- Double-crested Cormorant - 2 incl. 1 juv. on the lake & 1 adult on the

- Sharp-shinned Hawk - 3 in migration over Belvedere Castle
- Cooper's Hawk - 1 W of Turtle Pond attended by a flock of starlings
- Red-tailed Hawk - 2 incl. 1 juv. over the Pinetum & 1 adult over the

- Ring-billed Gull - On the reservoir
- Herring Gull - On the reservoir
- Great Black-backed Gull - On the reservoir

- Rock Pigeon - 300+ being fed at 66th St. & 5th Ave.
- Mourning Dove - 10+

- Chimney Swift - 3 over the Ramble

- Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2+ heard
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 10+
- Downy Woodpecker - 4+
- Northern Flicker - 5+

- Eastern Phoebe - 20+

- Blue-headed Vireo - 1 in the Pinetum

- Blue Jay - 20+
- American Crow - Group of 10+ over the Great Lawn

- Black-capped Chickadee - 1 S of path in Strawberry Fields

- House Wren - 1 near the Lower Lobe of the lake
- Winter Wren - 3+

- Golden-crowned Kinglet - 10+
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 10+

- Gray-cheeked Thrush - 1 in the Ramble
- Swainson's Thrush - 1 in the Ramble was a bit of a surprise
- Hermit Thrush - 100+
- Wood Thrush - 1 heard near the source of the Gill
- American Robin - 12+
- Gray Catbird - 10+
- Brown Thrasher - 1 in Strawberry Fields

- European Starling - 10+

- Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female-type in the Ramble
- Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5+
- Palm Warbler - 1 in Strawberry Fields near the Cypress
- American Redstart - 1 female-type at the source of the Gill
- Ovenbird - 1 at the source of the Gill
- Common Yellowthroat - 1 female in Strawberry Fields

- Eastern Towhee - 6+
- Chipping Sparrow - 100+ near Sparrow Ridge
- Field Sparrow - 2 incl. Sparrow Ridge & 1 near Bow Bridge
- Fox Sparrow - 1 on SE edge of lawn in Strawberry Fields
- Song Sparrow - 50+
- Swamp Sparrow - 4+
- White-throated Sparrow - 500+
- White-crowned Sparrow - 4 juv. incl. Strawberry Fields, Maintenance Meadow
& Pinetum
- Dark-eyed Junco - 6+

- Northern Cardinal - 10+
- Common Grackle - 12+
- House Sparrow - 50+


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