An intriguing sighting of a possible juvenile Gyrfalcon on the north shore
of Block Island just east of Long Island.

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Subject: Block Island - Unk large falcon, [...]
From: "Thomas M" <sunsetseeker78 AT>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 19:01:05 -0000


Today on the north end I had saw a large falco that I will leave as
unidentified. It was absolutely massive. I saw it for a minute max. It never
flapped, just road the updraft of the bluff and I saw it soar once.

I have seen plenty (hundreds) of peregrines in my days, and if this was a
peregrine it would be the fattest, honkenest female that ever took to the
skies. It was an immature bird.

It jumped me and I saw it naked eye and thought, wow my first goshawk for
the island and then it turned. That is when I realized it was a falcon. I
got my bins on it as it was starting to head away from me.

The underside was completely streaked, even on the vent. The body and wings
were so broad and huge, massive I have to say. The wings appeared pointed.
But the body looked like a stovepipe, hence the first impression of gos.

Was it a gyr, your guess is as good as mine, it would have been a lifer. I
have no experience with them, but I feel I might have blown a stellar call
of an incredible bird! Ah well, you win some and lose some!


-Tom M.
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Ben Cacace
Manhattan, NYC


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