Endangered & Protected Bird species, Birding, & Hunting Season (opens) in NY state.

Also, in case it's been forgotten, the original post on this subject mentioned that the loon carcass found at "Tobay Beach" was "apparently dead from a recent bullet wound to the chest". It is illegal to shoot Common Loons on or over all U.S. waters or lands. This may have been an unfortunate accident of hunting, but does bring up that issue as well.

I happen to have concerns about another group of birds that ARE legally hunted: grouse. In my opinion many grouse should be fully protected with no hunting season of any kind in many locations - many grouse and particularly the 2 grouse species found in New York state do not seem to be as common as they once were - at least, in NY's southeast counties in the case of Ruffed Grouse, and never-common-in- NY Spruce Grouse. There is always a potential problem in having bird hunting in the same Adirondack areas for Ruffed Grouse, with not all hunters instantly distinguishing the protected Spruce Grouse from (much more common) Ruffed.

This also brings up an obvious caution to all of us outdoor folks at this time of year. Be aware that the fall-winter hunting season is already here - or soon will be - throughout much of this (& other) state(s). See: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/28605.html & for Long Island (Suffolk County): http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8373.html & also: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/40399.html

Ruffed Grouse Hunting Season [NY/ map]:

Ruffed Grouse Hunting Information [page]:

NY State ENDANGERED Spruce Grouse:

NYDEC state reg's./endangered species:

NYDEC Loon migration - & tracking info.:

Reasons NOT to release fauna & flora:

safe - responsible - educational birding,

Tom Fiore,
        From:   Komar, Nick (CDC/CCID/NCZVED) <nck6 "AT" CDC.GOV>
Subject: [nysbirds-l] Fresh loon carcass Tobay Beach, Suffolk County, possible Arctic
        Date:   November 12, 2009 6:20:52 PM EST
        To:     nysbirds-l@cornell.edu
I apologize for submitting this post to the entire list, but I could not reach any local birders directly. This afternoon I found a very fresh loon carcass in excellent condition, apparently dead from a recent bullet wound to the chest. My photos (I will post these once I return home to Colorado later tonight) suggest a possible adult Arctic Loon still exhibiting some breeding plumage feathers on the throat, wings and back. The bill seems appropriately sized. The vent strap is incomplete as described by Sibley and BNA. The mass seemed too heavy but consistent with a fattened up adult male. I hope a local birder could run down there tonight and double bag it for donation to an appropriate institution/ collection. It is located about 50 yards west of the fishing pier/restaurant on the beach.

Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO


NYSbirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nysbirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NYSB.html

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