Hello Everyone,       The Guillemot at Sebonic Inlet,National Golf 
Links,Southampton is surely worth a try if you have'nt gotten out there yet.Its 
was first seen last Saturday by Jay Kuhlman and Rich Sautkulis on the CBC and 
its been there every day since..Dick Belanger and I found Dave Klauber and Ken 
and Sue Feustal watching the bird about 10:30 am yesterday.We then headed for 
Shinnecock and had a raft of 300+ Common Eider well inside the bay from the 
west parking lot.In and around the Inlet were some 28 Bonaparte Gulls and the 
Northern Gannets were in a feeding frenzy just a few yards off the tip on the 
eastern side.Down at Tiana Beach ocean we saw 50+ Sanderling, a Horned Grebe 
and 12 Red Throated Loons.Happy Holidays,     Carl Starace


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